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Alex Haltom
Director of Innovation, Technology, and Media Services
(989) 642-5287
Denise Dowdell
Director of Business Operations and Human Resources
(989) 642-5282
Becky Killingbeck
School Nurse
(989) 642-5282
Carolyn Donoghue
Transportation Director
(989) 642-8338
Angela Pohl
Director of Athletics/Dean of Students
Danielle Perry
Mental Health Practitioner
(989) 642-5282
Don Killingbeck
(989) 642-5282
Jill Crofoot
Special Education, Pupil Accounting, Elementary Administrative Assistant
(989) 642-5282
Joy McMillan
District Communications Specialist
(989) 642-5282
Kacie Hook
District Instructional Coach
(989) 642-5282
Lela Gronski
Secretary to the Superintendent
(989) 642-5282
Melissa Schwab
Administration Office Clerk - Payroll
(989) 642-5282
Officer Randy Schroeder
School Resource Officer
(989) 642-5282
Rick Crofoot
Building and Grounds Director
(989) 642-5282
Rick Franzel
Maintenance/Mechanic and Co-Director of Transportation
(989) 642-8338
Stacy Brew
Special Education Supervisor
(989) 642-5282
Wendy Anderson
Business Operations and Human Resource Specialist
(989) 642-5282
Zach Bauer
Food Service Director via Chartwells
(989) 642-5282